Delivery Days

Each month we make our rounds delivering our orders to a few locations near you. Check our delivery schedule on the home page for locations, dates, and times.

The Farm

Here is how to find us at the farm:

From Preeceville

  • go 7 miles west, at Ketchen (don't blink or you'll miss it!) 
  • turn right and go 7 miles north to a dead end
  • turn left and go 1 mile west
  • turn right and go another 7 miles north

From Endeavour

  • go west and take both curves and continue west for 8 more miles
  • then turn right and go 1 mile north 

From Lintlaw

go north, taking every curve you come to 

From Rockford (a little valley with a community hall) 

  • We are 5 miles further yet. 
  • When you see an odd-looking log cabin on the north side of the road, we are 1 mile north on the NEXT intersection.
  • We are on the right hand side of a very narrow treed road, with an overhead gate at the lane entrance and 4 huge spruce trees by a wood Board and Batt house.

Study these directions well because there is no cell service (too many trees!). Or download a map of the area to your phone before you head out so you can navigate offline.

But if you get lost, don't worry - we have great neighbours who can tell you where to go!


Google Maps places us in the town of Endeavour, but we're actually just outside of it. Here is a map with our exact location. Or find us by what3words coordinates at occasionally.blip.tuesdays.